Beverlee Jean & Trevor Wade Season 12 Episode 8

Mairi met one of the multiverse’s most famed adventurers and father of a fan favorite hapless cartographer, ATLAS MAPMAN. He fed our heroes and took them to his orrery, where he gave them directions to the MOON OF ARUN, where the coalition contact WARWICK BLASTOV is trying to recruit the locals in the fight against Xarysia. Atlas also opened the mysterious crate and in doing so freed PRINCESS XENDALLI, heir to the throne of the XARYXIAN EMPIRE. She joined the crew aboard a ship provided by Atlas. Upon arrival in the doomed system our spacefaring rebels did not have to search long to find the Giff who was being chased by one of the inhabitants of the moon: a terrifying titan called THE TARRASQUE.

This episode was inspired in part by Light of Xaryxis

1PDnD is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC 

Music: “Succubus”  “Space Ambience” “Fireworks” and “Chemical X": by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com)

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License
